Register domain names free
If only life was as simple as this!
No we do not register domain names for free but at $19.95
for 1 years registration you can rest assured that your domain
name will be safe. Your have control over your own domain
name and will not need to worry about a third party controlling
the name on your behalf.
Many hosting companies and isp's offer a free domain name
with their services, however this can cause you a lot of hassle
if the company goes out of business.
What if your hosting company went out of business?
You spent months or even years building up your online business.
Advertising, business cards , word of mouth , search engine
positions - all pointing to You may find
that ownership of the domain lies in your hosting companies
company name. If they go out of business how will you keep
control of the domain name now?
What if you wanted to move to another hosting company?
You may find that your free domain name is no longer free
now that you wish to move. Since they have ownership of the
name and you need it for your business they may charge you
a lot of money to allow ownership to be passed on.
Although this sounds like a nightmare, all of the above is
possible. Would you buy a business
and let someone else have the legal ownership?
Of course not!
You'd be crazy to do this and the Internet is no different.
Its fine to obtain a free domain name from your isp or hosting
company as long as its not your primary domain name. Use the
free name to point to your primary name.
But buy the primary name yourself and keep control and
ownership in your hands.
We can sell you domain names for ONLY
$19.95 per year and you will officially own the
name yourself. You control it through the domain
manager provided with each account.
More information on
registering domain names
Looking to sell domain names from your website? We
can set you up as a registrar